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Sunday, January 10, 2010

top10 emo songs

et another emo video! this one's a bit different; I love emo, and i know this song is anti, but i think it's so hilarious, i just HAD to make a video with it. enjoy!

To EVERYONE: When doing this movie, I searched for images with the keyword "emo", thus all boys or girls in this movie have some (whether real or not) connection with them. So please don't rant about that you're boyfriend is in this movie and that he's not emo, I don't care - he shouldn't had put up a picture of himself on a page that had something to do with emos. By the way - how many times must I say it - EMO's ARE HOT and do NOT deserve to be treated as negatively as society does at the moment - start loving them, they don't cut themself, that's the biggest mistake everyone commits when thinking so. This movie was made as something fun - NOT AS AN INSULT TO them - once again, I love them! Best Emo Songs ever
OUR BAND MYS FIRST OFF BEFORE WATCHING THIS READ HOW THE NAME IS OF THE VIDEO IS PUT!! I'm NOT CALLING THESE SONGS EMO. IT GETS ANNOYING WHEN U PPL ACCUSE THESE SONGS OF BEING EMO. These are the top 20 songs that Emo/Scene kids should know. If you dont know them then you arent considered an emo. If youve heard them all, you must be an "emo" person. I do not own any of this music or photos. It is all owned by other people and labels emo song

Emo Kid Song Mp3 Codes
The Emo scene is one that has now taken the world by storm.
Emo hair style list.Emo in in the 2000’s is what punk was in the 1980’s. And one of the most important aspects of being emo is having a good emo haircut. Emo haircuts are like punk hair of the 80’s. If you didn’t have a punk hairstyle, then there was no way you would be accepted into the scene. Therefore, we’ve collated a few pictures so you can save and print and take them to your hair stylist.
    goth vs emo    t's hard to tell the difference between a lot of trends these days, including the not so new, Gothic and Emo style that has become a mainstream way of fashion and life.  The two are pretty different when it comes down to it, and most people wouldn't even know it unless they have been informed by someone that has that knowledge.  Gothic is a darker style.  Fans like to listen to such artists like, "Marilyn Manson" and other dark figures.  Gothic people aren't exactly sad, actually a lot of them are somewhat happy people they just like the style/way of life that goes along with the music. 

Emo stands for emotional but the people that follow this trend usually don't exactly have a really good reason to be emotional.  They live pretty normal lives but apparently thinks that no one understands them.  Honestly, I don't think that it's a not being understood thing, I think it's a wanting to be like everyone else thing with brightly colored tight clothes and sunglasses and accessories in your hair that you haven't worn since you were about 5 years old and listening to bands that scream about things that you can't even comprehend because most people don't understand the words or lyrics.  Either way, this style will hopefully go away as quickly as it came. 'm not saying that one style/genre is better than the other, but more of a if you're going to be emotional, at least have something to actually be emotional about besides people not understanding you and your significant other breaking up with you, especially when you're between the ages of 13-16.  Believe me, you will get over it and it will pass, but don't buy into a bunch of clothes that you more than likely won't be wearing in the next year, it's more than likely a waste of your parents' money. 
                                 You're Truly an Emo Kid. You go to as many shows
                                  as possible. You wear lots of striped shirts,
                                  sweaters, and cuffed jeans. You cry about how
                                  you don't have a signifigant other. You write
                                  meaningful lyrics or poetry. Cheer up, life
                                  doesn't suck that much.
                                                                    emo picture